Friday 18 November 2011

This is England 86

Sound and Editing
Sound bridge- can hear the rain before we can see the teenage boy catching it.
Non-Diegetic- music related to the mood
Diegetic- birds, alarm clock, cars/traffic, heels, paper and birds
Compressed time- young boy turning into a teenager
Ambient- piano music, rain, creates setting and mood
Slow motion- sees rain on teenager’s hand
Credits on screen
Close up of clothes when the two men are getting ready
Parallel sounds- piano reflected mood
Sound track- casual mood
Dialogue- represents regional identity- language (swearing)
Magnified sound to emphasise the reflective mood
Graphic match- young boy becoming teenager
Parallel- exam and inside the house
Linear narrative
Cross dissolve
Music starts as soon as he is turning his exam paper represents a carefree attitude towards exams and life the lyrics give this away (give it up)
Parrot squawking- the guy is lonely – free spirited- caged bird (restrained by exams)    

Camera and Mise en scene 
Same boy from the original film
Constructed to show locations that haven't changed much from 86
Tattoo on hand represents gang past or lifestyle
Haircuts- blood on shirt (gang)
Father and son have the same haircut- boy looks up to his father
Wide angle- shows surroundings
Long shot- shows boy walking away from his father
Teenager- new filming
Over the shoulder shot shows the date on his exam
Bird’s eye view when girls are in bed together shows that maybe they are poor or hangover.
Blood and tattoo

-       Crime
-       Gang
Boy moving on and forgetting about his father as he has been let down
Wide shot
-       Small boy with a big world around him
You have to break stereotypes in order to become successful
2 working class men
     - Size of house
     - Clothing
Natural lighting- representation of realism

-       Wires – deep focus shot
-       Trapped
-       Prison
-       Industrial town
-       Bowl cuts reflect era and time when it is set
-       Too big for the teenager so he trying to be old or bigger

Constructed piece

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