Friday 4 November 2011

Notes From My Boy Jack

Character and performance
Popular actors- Daniel Radcliffe is familiar from harry potter.
The characters are well educated, rich, and posh and respect each other however some are snobby towards each other and jack is look down on because his father is a writer.
Style is realistic and is based on a true story
Sequence- upper class/ well educated jack 18-20 white British as far as we know.
Role- we assume jack is less important because of his father’s job

Short formal conversation
Poshly spoken
Rehearsed and realistic
Relationships between characters aren't that strong as they address each other as sir and being called by their last names.

Primary audience- older war appeals more to that generation
Because of actors- appeal to mass audience this shows high production values.
Represents change in value from 1914 to modern day.
If you weren't born into a rich family it was hard to earn a high rank.

Diagetic- clock at the start
Non- diagetic- string instruments
Jolly music to match the weather
Up-tempo sound

TV drama
Historical genre- old
Music, costumes and props make the genre clear.
Could be stereotypical - more is more appealing to boys

Narrative sequence
Clock shows time passing by.
Allows you to see the time because they both experience it
The clock appears twice to show real time.
Shots used aren't linked to each other.
One-off production drama

Drama premier- 1914
Non fiction character
Old English (high classes and rich families)

Mise en scene
Setting - country side manor house- realistic to story.
Props- upper-class and traditional for time period
Bright sunny day could represent mood and feel free because they are in the country side
Formal- suits, are, uniform of the characters

Wide shot at the beginning
Close ups of car / driver
Mid shot- eye level realism
Longshot/ track shots of cars and corridor when characters are lining up
Over the shoulder shot when characters are in conversation.
Birds eye view along corridors.
Long angle shot to show speed and determination
Handheld shot eye line to sympathise with Daniel Radcliffe’s character.
Close up like father
Unsteady camera to show uncertainty

Close ups of time - historical drama
Car drives down the road and we see the credits
Parallel editing- suggests father and son are close even though they are worlds apart.
Black screen 1914
Fade up on expensive looking watch - idea someone is late - owned by the king (doesn’t expect to be kept waiting)

Point of representation - social class
- shows the important of class in 1914
Upper class- cars and manor house

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