Friday 18 November 2011

This is England 86

Sound and Editing
Sound bridge- can hear the rain before we can see the teenage boy catching it.
Non-Diegetic- music related to the mood
Diegetic- birds, alarm clock, cars/traffic, heels, paper and birds
Compressed time- young boy turning into a teenager
Ambient- piano music, rain, creates setting and mood
Slow motion- sees rain on teenager’s hand
Credits on screen
Close up of clothes when the two men are getting ready
Parallel sounds- piano reflected mood
Sound track- casual mood
Dialogue- represents regional identity- language (swearing)
Magnified sound to emphasise the reflective mood
Graphic match- young boy becoming teenager
Parallel- exam and inside the house
Linear narrative
Cross dissolve
Music starts as soon as he is turning his exam paper represents a carefree attitude towards exams and life the lyrics give this away (give it up)
Parrot squawking- the guy is lonely – free spirited- caged bird (restrained by exams)    

Camera and Mise en scene 
Same boy from the original film
Constructed to show locations that haven't changed much from 86
Tattoo on hand represents gang past or lifestyle
Haircuts- blood on shirt (gang)
Father and son have the same haircut- boy looks up to his father
Wide angle- shows surroundings
Long shot- shows boy walking away from his father
Teenager- new filming
Over the shoulder shot shows the date on his exam
Bird’s eye view when girls are in bed together shows that maybe they are poor or hangover.
Blood and tattoo

-       Crime
-       Gang
Boy moving on and forgetting about his father as he has been let down
Wide shot
-       Small boy with a big world around him
You have to break stereotypes in order to become successful
2 working class men
     - Size of house
     - Clothing
Natural lighting- representation of realism

-       Wires – deep focus shot
-       Trapped
-       Prison
-       Industrial town
-       Bowl cuts reflect era and time when it is set
-       Too big for the teenager so he trying to be old or bigger

Constructed piece

TV drama revision booklet

Tv Drama Revision Booklet

Thursday 17 November 2011

Stereotypes North and South

-Country Bumpkins( farmers)-Working Class-Mining industry-Manual Labour-Strong accents- assume lack of intelligence.
-Posh-Wealthy-Well spoken-Cities-Crime (more in cities)-Metropolitan-Glamorous-Business minded

PAUL Notes


Tuesday 15 November 2011

Editing in my boy jack

Action shot- ear from his perception - and other views
Continuity editing- real-time (clock)
Cross cutting - between father and son
Cut- clock and car (racing against time)
Cutaway- from his car to the clock - suggested father is late
Dissolve- when he takes his glasses off suggesting he has poor eyesight
Ellipsis - father arriving, don't see father going up the stairs.
Eye line match- boy reading letters, also giving letter
Fade- clock at the beginning- against time
Long take - jack waiting
Parallel action - driving/boy
Short take- man driving- rushing
Shot/reverse shot-conversation between boys
Superimpose-title in the sky - writing over an image
Different pace of editing

What makes Paul a working title film ?

  • The film has Simon Pegg in and is quite popular for acting for working titles.
  • The location.
  • The Budget
  • The date the film was released ( valentines day)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Evaluation of working titles website

Having looked at the working titles website at first glance the website is very visual and provides lots of information on both the most recent films that have been released but also the other films that were released in recent years. It also shows films which are in the production stage that will be released later in the year or early next year such as Billy Elliot the musical. 

The website provides information about the films such as the budget for each of the films that have been made by the production company. Also viewers can watch the official trailers of the films on there website to see if they want to watch the whole film. They also show the latest news on the films such as the premiers and also upcoming films that working titles plan to make.

The website has many links at the top of the page to navigate easily around the website these include film, trailers, news, theatre and features which include games relating to the films which will attract a younger audience.  

Overall the website is very easy to use and is very modern because of the features it uses for example the website flicks between each film that they are making just to give the audience an idea of what they produce. The website is clear because they keep a basic colour scheme of black and white to match their logo.

Friday 4 November 2011

How does my boy Jack appeal to audiences?

My boy jack would appeal to may a specific audience because of the genre of the drama because it is a historical drama it may appeal to the older generations and those who are interested in ww1 which is the time in which the story is based on. However some of the younger generations may want to watch it so that they can learn more about ww1.
The actors in the drama may also appeal to the audience as many people will know the actors such as Daniel Radcliffe from the harry potter series and also Carey mulligan who has become a famous actress in recent years.  And these famous names may appeal to the audience as it would mean a higher production value meaning that more money can be spend on making the story so this could mean that it is a better  drama then perhaps others that have been made.

Notes From My Boy Jack

Character and performance
Popular actors- Daniel Radcliffe is familiar from harry potter.
The characters are well educated, rich, and posh and respect each other however some are snobby towards each other and jack is look down on because his father is a writer.
Style is realistic and is based on a true story
Sequence- upper class/ well educated jack 18-20 white British as far as we know.
Role- we assume jack is less important because of his father’s job

Short formal conversation
Poshly spoken
Rehearsed and realistic
Relationships between characters aren't that strong as they address each other as sir and being called by their last names.

Primary audience- older war appeals more to that generation
Because of actors- appeal to mass audience this shows high production values.
Represents change in value from 1914 to modern day.
If you weren't born into a rich family it was hard to earn a high rank.

Diagetic- clock at the start
Non- diagetic- string instruments
Jolly music to match the weather
Up-tempo sound

TV drama
Historical genre- old
Music, costumes and props make the genre clear.
Could be stereotypical - more is more appealing to boys

Narrative sequence
Clock shows time passing by.
Allows you to see the time because they both experience it
The clock appears twice to show real time.
Shots used aren't linked to each other.
One-off production drama

Drama premier- 1914
Non fiction character
Old English (high classes and rich families)

Mise en scene
Setting - country side manor house- realistic to story.
Props- upper-class and traditional for time period
Bright sunny day could represent mood and feel free because they are in the country side
Formal- suits, are, uniform of the characters

Wide shot at the beginning
Close ups of car / driver
Mid shot- eye level realism
Longshot/ track shots of cars and corridor when characters are lining up
Over the shoulder shot when characters are in conversation.
Birds eye view along corridors.
Long angle shot to show speed and determination
Handheld shot eye line to sympathise with Daniel Radcliffe’s character.
Close up like father
Unsteady camera to show uncertainty

Close ups of time - historical drama
Car drives down the road and we see the credits
Parallel editing- suggests father and son are close even though they are worlds apart.
Black screen 1914
Fade up on expensive looking watch - idea someone is late - owned by the king (doesn’t expect to be kept waiting)

Point of representation - social class
- shows the important of class in 1914
Upper class- cars and manor house

Thursday 3 November 2011

The Role of a Website or a Film Company

  • To Give information on films
  • To Advertise films (free)
  • Because Everybody Uses the internet
  • To celebrate the awards / achievements
  • fan interaction- build a relationship with the fan
  • To Provide informatin about the company
  • Contact Details- latest developments
  • Provide Fan-Zine- clips photo's actors blogs
  • General Marketing
  • Archive or previous projects or films

Audience mind map